Lowe's Discount
We have partnered with Lowe’s on a national level and receive some of the deepest discounts offered. These discounts are passed directly to you and your project’s performance directly benefits. To take advantage of these discounts, please follow the process outlined below. This will expedite and streamline the approval and purchase of your materials.
Once you have purchased a property and identified the need for materials, contact your preferred Lowe’s Pro Desk, establish a single contact who will manage your purchases and provide them with the Gorilla Capital Lowe’s Purchase Orders document. If you need assistance in establishing a store or Pro Desk contact, please email Jason@GorillaCapital.com with your request.
Identify the product and quantities needed for the project. Do not include any tools as these are not covered by Gorilla Capital. If tools are included, they will be removed prior to approval and may cause a processing delay. Orders must only be for one property. If you need to order materials for more than one property, the following steps must be completed for each property separately. The following can be done by yourself or your contractor by:
Dropping the loaded cart to the Pro Desk in store
Emailing an online cart to your Pro Desk, or
Emailing your item numbers and quantities to your ProDesk
*Include your property address with any request to the ProDesk
Once the Pro Desk has received your order, they will run the estimate and apply the best possible discounts to your order.
The ProDesk will then process your product to be charged to Gorilla Capital and notify you when it is ready for pick up and/or to coordinate delivery.
Please plan ahead and allow one business day for your orders to be processed for pick up. Gorilla Capital does everything within its means to process these purchases as quickly as possible, often within 4 hours or less. Please note that Gorilla Capital operates Monday through Friday from 8:00am – 5:00pm (PST).